Monday, September 14, 2009

Stomach Cramps, Peeing Alot

Temporary Abolition of Visas: Protection (POS) and Humanitarian (THVs). Resolution Visa Status (RoS)

The August 9, 2008 Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) were eliminated, so that anyone who applied after that time for a protection visa in Australia to be of this granted a visa would be granted permanent type.

This change also occurred for some temporary humanitarian visas (THVs) granted outside Australia, which were abolished.

current visa holders or THVs POS, from that day are entitled to a permanent visa with the same benefits as permanent residents. To this end created the Resolution called Visa Status (RoS) (Subclass 851).

Requirements Subclass 851 visa
  • Health Meet the criteria.
  • personality Possess good character to bring this criminal record. Approve
  • security checks.

Who will benefit from the changes?

These changes apply to:
  • Any person running for a Protection Visa.
  • current visa holders Temporary type (POS) or (THVs).

- Benefits of visa -

The beneficiaries with a RoS visa have the same benefits as holders of a permanent protection visa, which may have rights to:
  • Program Learning Migration Adult English Language (AMEP)
  • pension according to age.
  • Support Pension disabled.
  • with tax benefits attributed to the family and care benefits and child care.

The holder of a Subclass 851 visa are also entitled to travel and to sponsor your family for Visa Program Overseas Humanitarian .

Objectives of the Subclass 851 visa

The Government of Australia considers that the current visa holders POS or THVs type as such are refugees and therefore should not be kept in uncertainty as to whether or not they will be granted asylum by Australia and they have to repeat the same process of application for a permanent visa. For these reasons it is establishing a Subclass 851 visa allowing visa holders TPV / THV quickly solve their immigration status as permanent refugees without being reassessed.

How can you apply for a RoS visa (subclass 851) visa the holder of a TPV / THV

The holder of a visa TPV / THV can apply for a RoS visa if you have not applied for another visa Protection . No application is required in future for a protection visa.

The person who is given the RoS visa can obtain a document permitting travel? Yes

People who support a RoS visa are entitled to travel and are eligible for travel documents of the Convention.

Processing Time RoS visa (Subclass 851)

processing time within 90 days applies to all protection visa is not true for the visa Ros, but the government department is doing efforts to expedite this process as quickly as possible carriers a visa TPV / THV.

Why was abolished visas TPV / THV?

POS and THVs visas were introduced previously by the government, to combat smuggling activities carried out by a group of people and resulting illegal entry into the Australian coast many boats full of immigrants, while expected to reduce the number of applications for asylum from outside. However, this measure has not had the expected effect in future years and increased the flow of migrants, including women and children who come to the shores of Australia to seek asylum and protection. In this

Thus the government of Australia has considered just abolish visas TPV / THV allowing the nation to welcome asylum seekers and give them the attention and special treatment they deserve refugee status.


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