Ahora toca informaros de unas actividades destinadas a ocupar vuestro tiempo libre y a la vez, porque no, conocer otras formas de trabajar con la gente que quizá nos puedan ser útiles . La información a la que nos estamos refiriendo es el programa de Educación Ambiental sobre Ruedas , organizado por el Centro de Educación Ambiental Polvoranca ( Leganés ) . Aunque no hay un sitio concreto en Internet donde you can inform you of this facility if we told you that it is a benchmark as far as Citizen Participation and Environmental Education referred ( HERE you have a reflection of good experiences in this CEA). Collaborate in the organization of these activities the Association Cyclops and SEO- Group Vanellus .
The PROGRAM ACTIVITIES is cycling routes between various points in the CAM looking to achieve various objectives ( bird watching, glass recycling, reporting on the lack of clean ...). For more information on these activities can get in contact with the CEA Polvoranca to through the phone 91 648 44 87 , e-mail redcentros.polvoranca @ madrid.org , or at the very center , which is located Park Polvoranca (path from the parking Leganes of the lake - LOCATION MAP ).
We encourage you participate in these activities who has a chance because you can meet people, learn new things and play sports at the same time.
We encourage you participate in these activities who has a chance because you can meet people, learn new things and play sports at the same time.
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