post today touches an event taking place in our own school. We are talking about the First Conference of Social Work in Transition . These days be held jointly with the II Days Dance and Social Work. In short, titled Social Work Transition.
The organization of this conference is provided by the School of Social Work (with the collaboration of AYNI Association) and Entredanzados . The first is a new partnership established at the university by two students from one of the the EU postgraduate Social Work offers. The second is an association already last year delighted us with a conference of dance and social work we can ensure very pleasantly surprised.
conference was conducted the day 12 and March 13 . activities are scheduled throughout the day (starting at 9:30 and ending at 19:30 , with several breaks between activities). The first days are devoted to days with the theme associative (morning) and the new challenges of social work (pm, with attendance external speakers to the UCM ) . The second days be devoted entirely to dance with the conclusion of I Entredanzados Dance Contest , workshops and presentations (you can even enjoy a performance the company of Psicoballet of Maite León ). The place of celebration of all this will be for the entire Faculty Policy and Sociology , albeit specific in Multipurpose Hall of that power.
Only with the program that the conference is very interesting to attend, but add an extra motivation in the face of social work students . For the assistance and participation in the First Conference of Social Work and Associations, the afternoon papers days 12 and at least two of the three workshops II Day dance skills development Social , can get credit 1.5 free choice . Add the number of seats is limited to 70 people . And in order to attend you must registration, as the instructions they have on the BLOG the event.
For you can view the entire program in a particular way we leave HERE the information leaflet.
Finally, if usually we encourage you to enjoy of activities and events here announced, this will add a tip over emphasis because we believe that these sessions are not held never with such strength and support. And also the theme covering both days are very striking and innovative.
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