Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Causes Of Skin Turning Green When I Shave


Today we will introduce an event that may be of interest to students, but not only in the social field, but anyone who is currently studying a type of university education.

The event to which we refer is the Interniversitario III Encuentro de Estudiantes (Full Program) . The reason for this meeting is for study and development of the implementation of EHEA (European Higher Education Area). Through this is intended to assess the student expectations on Higher Education.

The meeting is organized by the Circle Mayans and CEUC (Council of University Students de Cantabria), in collaboration with University of Cantabria, Cantabria Government, Education and Counseling others.

This event is held in Santander the 7 and May 8 . The registration information can be found HERE but to say that you can enroll any student enrolled in the current academic year at any university included and affected by the process of building the EHEA.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where To Get On The Baitbus


Ahora toca informaros de unas actividades destinadas a ocupar vuestro tiempo libre y a la vez, porque no, conocer otras formas de trabajar con la gente que quizá nos puedan ser útiles . La información a la que nos estamos refiriendo es el programa de Educación Ambiental sobre Ruedas , organizado por el Centro de Educación Ambiental Polvoranca ( Leganés ) . Aunque no hay un sitio concreto en Internet donde you can inform you of this facility if we told you that it is a benchmark as far as Citizen Participation and Environmental Education referred ( HERE you have a reflection of good experiences in this CEA). Collaborate in the organization of these activities the Association Cyclops and SEO- Group Vanellus .

The PROGRAM ACTIVITIES is cycling routes between various points in the CAM looking to achieve various objectives ( bird watching, glass recycling, reporting on the lack of clean ...). For more information on these activities can get in contact with the CEA Polvoranca to through the phone 91 648 44 87 , e-mail redcentros.polvoranca @ , or at the very center , which is located Park Polvoranca (path from the parking Leganes of the lake - LOCATION MAP ).

We encourage you participate in these activities who has a chance because you can meet people, learn new things and play sports at the same time.

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Today despite being lively information are loaded. Now we present an event that is held in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UCM The event is organized from Participatory Research Master in Local Development , with the collaboration of CIMAS (International Centre for Citizenship and Sustainable Environment works from several areas: documentation, dissemination and communication, consultation and advice, research, and training), College political scientists and sociologists, and Attac Madrid University ( students from various universities in Madrid Interested in an active and constructive want form a network of exchange of ideas, cooperation, support, discuss, share and be nourished by our experiences, as well as joint actions raise )
These arise from the perspective of assessing and responding to major challenges that faced by various agents of change within the financial crisis. And to achieve this is to bring together various experts and stakeholders (academics, technicians, citizens and politicians) to make a complete and systematic thinking to help understand the situation and encourage the changes necessary to resolve it. The event organized

are XIV International Conference with the theme of Globalization and Local Actors (Full Program) . These were made of 24 to 26 March in various areas of the Faculty of . Politics and Sociology of UCM. The primary audience for this conference are researchers, students, government technicians, politicians, social movements . Necessary to assist the registration , which is free , through an e-mail or calling the phone numbers following: 77 91 365 70 and 91 394 26 65.

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Again, another month, we updated information COURSE PROGRAM for the month of April in School Volunteer of the CAM

As before explained, to enroll you must fill out the form registration for each type of course . You can hacérsela reached by e-mail to by fax 91 420 86 60 or deliver in person at any Volunteering Information Points CAM (including headquarters) until a week before the start the course. As always we attach registration form for CORE COURSES and SPECIFIC COURSES AND MANAGEMENT.

This time, besides of programming the next month we have received an information sign with information of courses held between April and July . In this way you can scroll if any course later that may interest you and request information directly to the School Volunteer. PD

Remember to correctly display the pages of the school volunteer must use Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox and not .

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pic Of Woman On Moter Cykels


Well, good news for tod @ s. Although it may be later we inform you that tomorrow the movie (March 12) can enjoy the Cineforum we organize. This movie will "Water" Deepa Mehta . The place where projects will be 215 Classroom (seminar on the second floor to the left on the elevators) and hours, that stated above, the 15:00 h .

The synopsis of the movie is: "The story is set in 1938 colonial India, in full emancipation movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. Celebrate a wedding that could well be a funeral: marry Chuyia (Sarala), a girl of 8 years, with a dying man who died that night. It burns your body on the shore of a holy river and Chuyia prepares for the destination you have chosen for her. He shaves his head and joins a widow's ashram where he will spend the rest of his life, turned into a living shrine dedicated to the memory of the deceased. Last film of the famous trilogy of Mehta, consisting of "Fire" (1996) and "Earth" (1998). "

As you can see is a movie more very interesting and can teach us a vision of reality (being a woman and a widow in India) unknown to us. I look forward to all of you

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Calculate Muscle Percentage


Well, good news for everyone. As our aim is to inform also seems to us that we must any event that is important in view of students, especially without having the obligation of mark us for or against this.

The event to which we refer is the
strike in protest against Bologna Plan called for this March 12 . In parallel, has convened a demonstration after 12:00 h, which began in Atocha, and end in the Ministry education. The strike and demonstration this convened by the Assembly of Students Against Bologna of Universities and Institutes. Add that the strike is a statewide , so that all universities and colleges of Spain are convened this.

No more to add to this event, you have the poster informative Movement Not Bologna.

PD know that this event can be in contradiction with the previously reported (Conference of Social Work in Transition ) but, according information of the organizers of the event held in the university (and I quote), "even if called the strike against the Bologna process the days March 12 next first days of the conference, talked to those who organize such action express the sense that these are the result of student initiative, not being themselves and that classes at all intended to curtail their right to strike. In this sense, who called the strike have understood this initiative and expressed their desire to respect. "

Friday, March 6, 2009

Urahime (black Star System) English

Take me to know End March 2009

Why see the sea?

For most of us the sea is a close friend.

We enjoyed since childhood and is related to our world since childhood.

However, there are people who have never witnessed the extraordinary closeness of the giant R. MA

Being close to him opens the door to the wonderful creation of God, takes us out to experience the delight of a temperature that surrounds us and shows that we are unique.

and more why we ask you to help us bring a child to know the Sea, because sharing a little and makes us potentiates angels, we ask you to join us in the wonderful adventure and perhaps only time that a child may have marginalized the privilege to experiement the extraordinary presence of the RAF.
March 2009
Lévame to know the RAF
Of Heart.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Preparation H Suppositories And Dogs

post today touches an event taking place in our own school. We are talking about the First Conference of Social Work in Transition . These days be held jointly with the II Days Dance and Social Work. In short, titled Social Work Transition.

The organization of this conference is provided by the School of Social Work (with the collaboration of AYNI Association) and Entredanzados . The first is a new partnership established at the university by two students from one of the the EU postgraduate Social Work offers. The second is an association already last year delighted us with a conference of dance and social work we can ensure very pleasantly surprised.

conference was conducted the day 12 and March 13 . activities are scheduled throughout the day (starting at 9:30 and ending at 19:30 , with several breaks between activities). The first days are devoted to days with the theme associative (morning) and the new challenges of social work (pm, with attendance external speakers to the UCM ) . The second days be devoted entirely to dance with the conclusion of I Entredanzados Dance Contest , workshops and presentations (you can even enjoy a performance the company of Psicoballet of Maite León ). The place of celebration of all this will be for the entire Faculty Policy and Sociology , albeit specific in Multipurpose Hall of that power.

Only with the program that the conference is very interesting to attend, but add an extra motivation in the face of social work students . For the assistance and participation in the First Conference of Social Work and Associations, the afternoon papers days 12 and at least two of the three workshops II Day dance skills development Social , can get credit 1.5 free choice . Add the number of seats is limited to 70 people . And in order to attend you must registration, as the instructions they have on the BLOG the event.

For you can view the entire program in a particular way we leave HERE the information leaflet.

Finally, if usually we encourage you to enjoy of activities and events here announced, this will add a tip over emphasis because we believe that these sessions are not held never with such strength and support. And also the theme covering both days are very striking and innovative.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2004 Sunfish For Sale


And now we bring you more information on additional training courses. The 14-30 Youth Space is a space Area Youth CAM has as one of its objectives to provide service to the youth of Madrid meeting their training needs, information and entertainment through creative proposals and updated. It also offers other services such as local temporary associations (associations nursery) study room, lounge acts, etc.

This has made an information space to promote its entire programming of activities, competitions and workshops conducted between April and July. The brochure you can find it HERE .

All you offer is interesting, but above all we want to place special emphasis on courses and workshops . have different types and thematic (storytelling, introduction to sign language, makeup, where's my stress ?...) and are completely free . The detailed brochure courses you can find it HERE .

For registration in the course or workshop you ought to fill out the entry form hacersela and reach within the registration mark for each course or workshop. Hacersela you can be reached by e-mail to , send it by fax to 91 7850249 or deliver it directly in person at the center . Once the deadline for registration is made a selection and alerts (Via e-mail or telephone) to those who have been selected. not hinder Add to enroll in more than one workshop, but you have to look that do not coincide in time clearly.

For all this I encourage you to try a FREE list because we have to encourage the use of these spaces and supporting the courses free of charge to attend these (or at least requested).

Creative Extigy, Windows 7


This time we present an activity that comes from ourselves. We have scheduled the realization of a Film Forum in order to offer movies that are not within the circuit commercial movies with a social, talk seobre humans in various situations, including a wide range of topics (gender, immigration, dependency, old age, women ...). Ultimately, the Film Forum was founded with the idea to show you "realities" that, if not through the wonderful world of cinema, you may not know them. Realities that allow us to reflect on our own lives and the world around us.

The realization of this activity will begin on Thursday, March 5 and will have a weekly end of May. The hours of accomplishment will be at 15:00 h (de esta manera damos posibilidad de asistencia a la gente del turno de mañana y de tarde). El lugar donde se realizara sera el Aula 108 (el primer aula de la derecha a la entrada de la E.U.T.S.).

Para comenzar este Cine Forum proyectaremos la pelicula "Ladybird, Ladybird" de Ken Loach. Pero tambien tendremos oportunidad, durante el programa, de ver titulos como "Agua" (Deepa Metha), "14 Kilometros" (Gerardo Olivares) o "El patio de mi carcel" (Belen Macias). Os iremos informando periodicamente sobre las peliculas que se proyectaran cada semana.

Esperamos vuestra asitencia y participacion porque believe it can be very interesting what can be learned through the film and the vision that shows us.

Mucous Before First Period


Today we bring you information that is on free time. Information has reached us regarding a new course of monitors to conduct School of Leisure and Leisure YMCA Madrid.

YMCA Spain has six training schools that issue degrees in Leisure approved by the CCAA, and their formation is essentially directed towards social intervention, developing students' ability to analyze situations negative around them and using their potential for social transformation.

The course will have a semi-intensive mode . be held from April 4 - June 28 . The schedule be Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 to 14:00 / 15:00 - 19:00 . Output will be held weekend during the course. The place of realization would Leganes YMCA. And the price are € 290 (there is possibility of payment in installments). The registration must be done at the same office where you conduct the course and must submit the following documentation: photocopy of ID, photo, entry form and payment of reservation fee of 20 €.

HERE I am attaching the appropriate notice with the more detailed and structured information.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cinquain Poems About Snow


New information has come to our hands on courses scheduled for March the School Volunteer of the CAM . we believe can help you in the face of intervention that we do as social workers.

To enroll you must complete the entry form for each type of course . You can get by hacersela email to by fax 91 420 86 60 or deliver in person at any Information Points Volunteering CAM (including headquarters) to a week before the start of the course .

You can find the brochure with all courses HERE. I also attached entry form for CORE COURSES and SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT COURSES . PD

Remember to correctly display the pages of the voluntary school ought not to use Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

What Is The Maximum Amount Seamen Can Live


KoncienciaT Discussion Group is a new group of students who have joined EU in Social Work from the UCM and born in the interests of its members in addressing issues of social status among students of Social Work.

This idea arises in a concrete way because they believe that favors dialogue group and inter-relationships of the students themselves Social Work, as well as provide information and opinions about the social realities that impact today.

And within the program of debates that have arisen we have reported the achievement of which will be their second meeting. This second session will be on Thursday March 12 in hours 10:30 to 12:00 in the classroom 114 and theme will be Social Policy in Spain .

To register to attend or not applying a thorough knowledge of the subject and that they provide information. Just look at the audience actively participating with their views to enrich the other participants.

For more information get in touch with them through their e-mail: .

PS The picture is the appropriate notice. If the pulsáis on this will see expanded.

Updated 10/03/09:
According to the organizers have decided to postpone the event until further notice due to cirscunstancias that are taking place in college.