Sunday, November 22, 2009

Y Hp Dv6000 Doesnt Read Duo Pro Memory Card

Visa Residencia Subclase 886

  1. Obligations

This model of visa allows foreign students who have completed their studies in Australia and holders of certain types of temporary visas to apply for permanent residence.

1. For those who apply for a visa

    • For the foreign student or a former foreign student.
    • skilled visa holders Graduate (subclass 485 or 476).
    • visa holders Qualified Training (Subclass 471).

You must be:

    • Less than 45 years of age. Have
    • English language skills.
    • Meet the qualifications required for an occupation in the list located SOL (Skilled Occupations List). Be
    • classified in 60 or 50 points the nominated occupation.


This model also requires that:

You or your partner have a relative living in Australia who wishes to exercise his / her sponsor or at least have been nominated by the government agency of a State or Territory .

2. Benefits of visa

This is a model of permanent residence visa. As a permanent resident you can: Work

  • and live in Australia permanently tide.
  • Studying or working at school or university.
  • Access
    special subsidies Medicare Health and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
  • be eligible for Australian citizenship. Sponsor
  • others for permanent residence.

3. Eligibility


To qualify for this visa model must pass an Assessment Test with a number of requirements to be met, for each requirement you meet will be awarded points in its favor and to end his Test record should add no less than 120 points.

If at the conclusion of the evaluation test fails to collect the amount of 120 points then you are not able to apply for the visa.

According to the visa you based on the following links can assess whether you are eligible to lodge a visa application.

Assessment Test to carry a:

Visa for foreign students.

Graduate Skilled Visa (Subclass 497).

Graduate Visa (Subclass 476 and 485).

Visa Commercial Training.

Follow each link below to read the information associated with each point evaluative Test.


language skills (English)

nominated skilled occupation

Experience Evaluation

City Health

Characters Australia Values \u200b\u200bStatement

Specific experience working

Experience in Australia


Australia Occupation in demand / job offer

Studies in a region of Australia

a community language in Australia

skills as business partner Eligible Visa

(applies only for the student visa subclasses and 497)

Two (2) years of study in Australia (applies only to the students and visa subclass 497).

ratings closely related to nominated occupation (applies only to the subclasses 476 and 485) . Learning

closely related to nominated occupation (applies only for the Subclass 471).

If you do not carry any of the above mentioned visas can apply for the Subclass 886 if you have conducted studies in Australia in the 6 months prior to the filing of the application meets the above requirements.



you and accompanying persons must comply with laws established by the government for permanent residents.

If nominated by the organization of government of a State or Territory of Australia must:

    • Stay resided in the State or Territory nominated by at least two (2) years.
    • To inform the State or Territory of any change of address made before or after being granted the visa.
    • Be ready for inspections and to provide the required information.

5. Applying for visa

can apply by: Via

  • online electronic
  • or by post to follow:

To ensure that your records be processed in time estimates, including all necessary documentation to lodge a complete application.

If you can not provide all the necessary documentation at the time of depositing the application, then verify that the information being provided meets the minimum requirements for visa application.

To apply: First

know what is needed for applying visa for this model?

  • Details list. provide documentation that should add to your application, as they complete applications will be processed in a shorter period of time than those incomplete.
  • Payments: This visa is non-refundable fees associated with that you must pay the application deposit. Additional payments may be subject to submission of medical examinations and police certificates.
  • Information to help prepare the application : this information will help with the translation requirements and certification of documents, how to contact the department If necessary, among others.
  • Complete the application forms:

    • Applicants: fill Form.1276 (Application for General Skilled Migration) and Form 47A . (Dependent Family Members).

    • Note: Form 1276 must be completed if you are being nominated by an eligible family member that sponsors or is nominated by the government of a State or Territory.

      Note: 47 A form must be completed for any dependent family member 18 years of age or older, or you travel to Australia.

    • Family Member
      practicing as a Sponsor: The sponsor must fill Form.1277 (Application for General Skilled Migration.)
    • Nomination by the Government of a Territory or State: The government of that state or territory must complete Form. Ll 110 which is provided directly to the government of that State or Territory by the Department of Immigration.

6. Where to lodge the application

Applications by mail are deposited at: Department of Immigration

and Citizenship

GPO Box 1638 Adelaide SA 5001 Australia

mail messaging applications are deposited in:

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
4th Floor, 55 Currie Street Adelaide SA 5000



application deposit: once read as holding the application is carried out the same processing.


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