- Model
permanent resident visa for students who have completed studies in Australia and holders of certain types of temporary visas.
1. For those who apply for a visa
This visa is for you if you live in Australia and meets any of the following requirements:
- is a foreign student or has been.
- is carrying a Graduate visa (subclass 485) or a Graduate Visa (Subclass 476).
- is carrying a Commercial Training visa (Subclass 471).
You must also be:
- under 45 years of age.
- have good command of English.
- possess the qualifications required for the skilled occupations list (SOL) and your nominated occupation must also score a 50 or 60 points.
This model allows you and your companions to live as permanent residents in Australia.
permanent residents can:
- live and work permanently in Australia.
- study at school or university.
- receive health benefits through Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
- access certain social security payments.
- be eligible for Australian citizenship.
- sponsor other people for permanent residence.
With this visa you can live indefinitely in Australia may also enter and leave the country for 5 years from the date the visa is granted.
Upon expiration of the visa is not affected their permanent resident status if you are in Australia, however if you wish to go in and out of Australia after expiration of original visa must then apply for a Resident Return visa. (RRV )
To qualify for this visa model must pass an Assessment Test with a number of requirements to be met, for each requirement you meet will be awarded points in its favor and to end his Test record should add no less than 120 points.
If the conclusion of the evaluation test fails to collect the amount of 120 points then you are not able to apply for the visa.
According to the visa you based on the following links can assess whether you are eligible to lodge a visa application.
Assessment Test to carry a:
Follow each link below to read the information associated with each point evaluative Test.
Characters Australia Values \u200b\u200bStatement
Occupation in demand / job offer
Studies in a region of Australia
a community language in Australia
business skills as a companion
Eligible Visa (applicable only for the student visa and subclass 497)
Two (2) years of study in Australia (applies only to the students and the visa subclass 497).
ratings closely related to nominated occupation (applies only to the subclasses 476 and 485) . Learning
closely related to occupation nominated (applies only for the Subclass 471).
If you do not carry any of the above mentioned visas can apply for the Subclass 885 if you have conducted studies in Australia in the 6 months prior to the filing of the application and meets the above requirements.
obligations for the subclass 885
no conditions attached to the visa, you and accompany you should be able to live and work in any region of Australia, and respect the laws and values \u200b\u200bof Australian society.
To apply by mail for this model visa perform the following:
- Information help prepare the application : information guide and help avoid making mistakes during the making of your record.
- Complete the application forms:
- Where the application deposit:
deposit method | |
Department of Immigration and Citizenship | |
Department of Immigration Citizenship and |
6. After depositing the application
Readdeposited after the application to learn about the processing of your application.
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