Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Visa Calificada Subclase 885

  1. Model

permanent resident visa for students who have completed studies in Australia and holders of certain types of temporary visas.

1. For those who apply for a visa

This visa is for you if you live in Australia and meets any of the following requirements:

    • is a foreign student or has been.
    • is carrying a Graduate visa (subclass 485) or a Graduate Visa (Subclass 476).
    • is carrying a Commercial Training visa (Subclass 471).

You must also be:

    • under 45 years of age.
    • have good command of English.
    • possess the qualifications required for the skilled occupations list (SOL) and your nominated occupation must also score a 50 or 60 points.

2. Benefits of visa


This model allows you and your companions to live as permanent residents in Australia.

permanent residents can:

  • live and work permanently in Australia.
  • study at school or university.
  • receive health benefits through Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
  • access certain social security payments.
  • be eligible for Australian citizenship.
  • sponsor other people for permanent residence.

With this visa you can live indefinitely in Australia may also enter and leave the country for 5 years from the date the visa is granted.

Upon expiration of the visa is not affected their permanent resident status if you are in Australia, however if you wish to go in and out of Australia after expiration of original visa must then apply for a Resident Return visa. (RRV )

3. Eligibility


To qualify for this visa model must pass an Assessment Test with a number of requirements to be met, for each requirement you meet will be awarded points in its favor and to end his Test record should add no less than 120 points.

If the conclusion of the evaluation test fails to collect the amount of 120 points then you are not able to apply for the visa.

According to the visa you based on the following links can assess whether you are eligible to lodge a visa application.

Assessment Test to carry a:

Follow each link below to read the information associated with each point evaluative Test.


language skills (English)

nominated skilled occupation

Experience Evaluation

City Health

Characters Australia Values \u200b\u200bStatement

Specific experience working

Experience in Australia

ratings in Australia

Occupation in demand / job offer

Studies in a region of Australia

a community language in Australia

business skills as a companion

Eligible Visa (applicable only for the student visa and subclass 497)

Two (2) years of study in Australia (applies only to the students and the visa subclass 497).

ratings closely related to nominated occupation (applies only to the subclasses 476 and 485) . Learning

closely related to occupation nominated (applies only for the Subclass 471).

If you do not carry any of the above mentioned visas can apply for the Subclass 885 if you have conducted studies in Australia in the 6 months prior to the filing of the application and meets the above requirements.


obligations for the subclass 885

no conditions attached to the visa, you and accompany you should be able to live and work in any region of Australia, and respect the laws and values \u200b\u200bof Australian society.

5. Application

To apply by mail for this model visa perform the following:

    • List Details: gather all the documentation required here to prevent your application is rejected or postponed their analysis because it is incomplete.
    • Payments: make payments associated with this model visa. Additional costs such as medical examinations should you take into consideration.
    • Information help prepare the application : information guide and help avoid making mistakes during the making of your record.
    • Complete the application forms:
    • Form 1276: Complete the application form to add it to your order.
    • Form 47 A: Fill out this form to provide information on the dependent family members (children).
    • Where the application deposit:

Address Postal Mail Messaging
deposit method

Department of Immigration and Citizenship
GPO Box 1638 Adelaide SA 5001 Australia

Department of Immigration Citizenship and
4th Floor, 55 Currie Street Adelaide SA 5000 Australia

6. After depositing the application


deposited after the application to learn about the processing of your application.

Friday, October 30, 2009

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Opciones de visa en Australia

If you are already in Australia can apply for one of the following models of visas.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prolapsed Uterus And Period

Luego de Aplicar para la Subclase 151

process that continues after depositing the application for the Subclass 151 visa

After depositing the application you will receive a letter confirming receipt of your application by the Immigration Department where they will tell also the subsequent steps.

If citase for an interview will be presented with valid passport and all documentation supporting their application. During the interview the interviewer will check the information you are presenting and it is possible to issue a decision on whether or not you qualify visa.

If a third was sent to the Department information about you that could lead to a denial of your application, you will be given the opportunity to defend himself with evidence demonstrating the falsity of the information received.

must inform the department as soon as possible if:

Change of residence for a period exceeding 14 days.

Change the composition of his family as a result for example of the birth of a new family member.

you or any family member plans to enter or leave in Australia while his case is being evaluated.


Notice of Change of Circumstances

Change of Address and details of Passport

decision on the visa

If the visa is approved will receive a notification letter containing the same:

  • Number visa.
  • Date of validity.
  • visa conditions.
  • A complete breakdown of all what you should do.

If the visa is rejected receive a letter explaining:

  • The reasons for the decision.
  • If you have the right to request a review of your application.
  • The time limit that has to appeal the decision.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Morning After Pill. Constantly Peeing

Soporte económico para los nuevos residentes

"I can receive financial support if I find employment?

The newly

they emigrated to Australia must have sufficient funds to assist their families during the two (2) first year residency even if they do not have a source of income or employment.

  • If you have a sponsor to consult with the financial aid offer.
  • If you have insurance, insurance agency or insurer must agree to provide financial aid during the first two years of residence.
  • If you are a refugee or a person who entered the country on a humanitarian visa is not required to wait two years to receive financial aid.
  • If you have a disability or severe physical disabilities can benefit from special financial assistance without having to wait for two years of residence.

There are several institutions that provide support services to migrant families as


The agency that deals with providing assistance to families payments social insurance.

Office The Family Assistance contributing in the case of families with children to education of children by providing help paying for education children and other related services.

The Medicare Australia, also addresses the wing helps provide families with, among other services, registration and immunization of children in Medicare.


You may not benefit from the assistance of Centrelink until they have resided for two years in Australia.

Centrelink will not provide financial assistance for reasons that you are unable to find employment or availability of funds.

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Subclase 151 Definiciones

partner or partner

A person is the spouse or de facto partner of another if:

  • by mutual agreement they have chosen to live together.
  • have a genuine and continuing.
  • remain permanently living together and not separated.
  • no
  • including family ties.

To extend the application to your spouse or partner must have lived with it a period of not less than 12 months prior to filing the application in the model following visas:

- Business Visa: Skilled

  • (Provisional)
  • Student (Temporary)
  • Partner (provisional) and (Temporary)

- Program of Migration (GSM).

couple is your spouse or partner (including both of the same sex). Dependent

that depends on another person as financial support to cover their basic needs and basic such as food, shelter and clothing. It may be a person with physical disabilities to fend for itself.

Dependent Child

is the child or stepchild of a person who:

  • are under 18 years of age.
  • is 18 years old but:
    • economically dependent on another person
    • or physically disabled to work


Regarding parents means

  • A son of his partner, but that is not his child.
  • A son of his partner who is not his child or his family either, but:
    • is the son of the former companion of his partner.
    • not reach 18 years of age.

Australia Defence Service

is the service in the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Australia in accordance with the Act of 1951 and that was before 26 November 1964.

is serving in the Armed Forces of Australia before 19 January 1981 or have been resident in Australia as a member of the armed forces of a foreign country who shared duties with the Armed Forces of Australia.

Friday, October 16, 2009

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Test Apto para el Trabajo en postulantes del GSM

Candidates Outline

General Skilled Migration (GSM) and nominated in a Commercial Occupancy must pass the test Workmanlike from January 2010 to ensure that anyone who emigrates to Australia is suitable for incorporation labor market and actively exercise their knowledge. Questions

interest test:

What is the Test Objectives?

Ensure that Australian employers to hire a person who is ready and meets the knowledge required to perform a particular work activity. This increases the possibility for immigrants to find employment quickly.

When the test is effective?

Beginning January 1, 2010.

Have I applied for a GSM visa, I must pass the Test?

No. "I started my studies in Australia this year and not finish until next year, the test applies to my case?

If you applied for one of the categories GSM visas were not the Subclass 485 or Subclass 487 and your nominated occupation is a commercial occupancy must pass the test.

What is the cost of the test?

not yet been determined.

Is there an expiration date for test results?

has not yet been established.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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Cambios en Requisitos del idioma 2009

The Ministry of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia on May 12, 2009 this year has announced new changes in the English language requirements for candidates abroad GSM Program from 1 July 2009:

Candidates nominated a trade occupation must obtain at least 6.0 points from 5.0 points above were required in each of the four components of language assessment exam IELTS.

Beginning July 1, 2009 applicants for a visa subclass 175 and 176 with a nominated commercial occupancy shall deposit with the application evidence of having the minimum required level of 6.0 points for the evaluation of the IELTS test. But candidates for the subclasses above still do not comply with this requirement in the language can lodge a visa application.

In a similar way for candidates for a temporary visa subclass 475 GSM increased from 5.5 to 6.0 points on average required in the IELTS test, also the failure to have the required level will not be an impediment to deposit a visa application.

Note: If for the previous visa cases you have a business partner if you meet the threshold required in the language and has been declared on your visa application, therefore you will accumulate points for processing application.

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Revisión de la Lista MODL para el GSM

The results of the second revision of the List of Occupations in Demand in Australia (MODL) for GSM program applicants were published September 18 for 2009. To access read Sheet 2. Skill Selection: Principles for a new MODL. For a better understanding also read sheet 1. corresponding to the first revision made on the same topic.

Following the global economic crisis, earlier this year the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Evans, made a number of changes in processing visa applications for skilled migration program (GSM). The MODL had been since 1999 the main mechanism for the selection of skilled workers entering the country.

Review was carried out jointly between the Department of Education, Employment and Labour Relations with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia. During the first review for GSM MODL between relevant aspects of the review can include analysis of:

  • The role and purpose to carry on the MODL at the selection of skilled labor for GSM in accordance with the needs of the Australian market.
  • The proposition of a new methodology and structure of the MODL to cover the needs in the medium and long term labor market in Australia.
  • The implications for the management and implementation of any changes that were proposed for the MODL, among others.

The first revision of the List of Occupations in Demand (MODL) focused on delivering a skilled immigration to Australia was focused on meeting the needs of skilled workers in the medium and long term in the labor market supplementation with supply and current capacity of that market.

MODL Second Review

In the second revision were provided other options that strengthen the points made in the first review, but indicated GSM a candidate could be evaluated either by two paths: one for measuring the characteristics of the individual in terms of its contribution to labor market and the other concerning the merits priority is assigned to the occupation in MODL. And in this case is requested to create a future Skilled Occupations List (CLS) that could replace the MODL, the list would focus on the level of skills and would be based on actual and future needs of Australian labor market.

According to the previously proposed that one could visualize the future bases in the process of migration from Australia, was the need to prioritize for the GSM migration of the fittest, or put another way, give priority to applications from applicants with better grades and mastery in a particular specialty, including knowledge of language, which consequently lead to a rapid insertion better adaptation to the labor market and society in general.

This review already taken into account the level of training and experience of candidates as well as the contribution it can make the labor market (not prevailing labor market needs as usual was being done).

is recommended for those interested in emigrating Australia and candidates who have already lodged an application such as GSM skilled workers, who read both revisions made to the List of Occupations in Demand reading will help them to understand the goals set by the Immigration Department in response to current status of the Australian labor market and the international economic situation, as well as understand how a given product could affect the rapid selection and greater flexibility in processing an application.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Easter Bunny Paw Template

Eliminación Esquema Inversión Capitales

The Government Finance Authority of Australia (SAFA) announced that as of October 31, 2009 will denied visa applications for the Capital Investment by the GSM program applicants, with the consequent elimination of the Capital Investment Scheme.

When in January 2009, SAFA announced the opening of the Capital Investment Scheme was given the task of contacting all candidates of the General Skilled Migration Program (GSM) that had expressed an interest to lodge a Capital investment in Australia.


candidates who have expressed a desire in their application to deposit a capital investment in Australia must end its investment before the end of this month will be removed the Capital Investment Scheme.

How to lodge a capital investment in the future?

However as stated above, the Department of Immigration has indicated that those affected by this change are still interested in placing a capital investment may do so direct to the SAFA, considered the only body to do what it is adjusted for capital investments, in coordination with the SAFA after the Department has reopened Capital investment but using the form 1134 Declaration on the GSM (Bonus points for investment Capital in Australia).

To access this system now the applicant must complete Form 1134 and do so accompanied by a letter will be delivered to you by the immigration office which is authorized to deposit a capital investment.

If you lodged a visa application for GSM before 1 September 2007 where he declared his intention to invest further in Australia and has not yet been assessed your application you should contact the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre (ASPC ) that will provide you with a Form 1134 and the letter authorizing him to deposit a capital investment for This route used the electronic contact records this page Post-lodgement Enquiry Form.

Note: The SAFA does not accept applications for capital investments with immigration purposes do not accompany the form 1134 and the letter of authorization provided by the immigration office.

People affected by the Capital Investment Scheme can apply for other visa options GSM verifying that they meet all the criteria required by the new visa, but will not be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the application the Capital Investment Scheme.