Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Much Does Menchies Cost Per Ounce


Well today is Thursday, and plays Cineforum. The movie of the day today is "XXY" of Lucia Puenzo. The synopsis of the film is as follows: " Alex is a 15 year old boy with a secret. Shortly after his birth his parents chose to settle in a secluded cabin outside Piriápolis. The story begins with the arrival of a couple of friends coming from Buenos Aires with his teenage son Álvaro. Álvaro's father is a plastic surgeon who accepted the invitation because of his medical concern for the daughter of his friends. The inevitable attraction between their children makes everyone face their worst fears. In town, Alex is seen as if it were a phenomenon. The fascination with her can become dangerous. " As you can see is a very interesting topic, as is the theme of sexual ambiguity caused by a genetic disorder. These people are considered" hermaphrodite "and" ... hermaphroditism may be possible in humans?.

Taking advantage of this we present an association that you could be interesting. Many times, perhaps, you have asked where are the movies we project as many are social films or author and are not traded in the usual channels. As the association that you want to present is that supplies us when we have the movies ourselves. The Cultural Association The Firefly is a "audiovisual cultural and literary association to promote and disseminate audiovisual culture, whether through borrowing or sale of DVDs and written material, and organizing courses and projections. This is born with the intention of offering quality films and documentaries, including audiovisual works are not readily available in commercial channels. You The Firefly is also a space where you can find and share all kinds of information on audiovisual culture, consult the catalogs of the Association for author and work, or purchase books, magazines and fanzines. "

As services are the most outstanding loan
DVD (catalog with social titles and documentary film, classic films and author ...), search and sale of movies and books (help you find the movie or book you're interested in buying and not find), information and consultation (exchange information and consult the literary material exposed), cycles and cinema-forums (thematic cycles performed periodically in recommending movies and books) and dissemination of audiovisual works (support to filmmakers who do not have much diffusion in the usual commercial channels and perform for free).

The local association you can find it in C / Marques de Toca, 5 (LOCATION MAP) . The meter is near Atocha and Anton Martin. And the hours are Monday through Friday from 17:00 to 24:00 and Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 24:00.


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