Thursday, December 9, 2010

Spectrobe Beyond The Portals Vilakroma

Zygmunt Bauman

One of the most important thinkers of our time, the Polish philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman , visit the UCM to give a lecture entitled "Inequality modern liquid " . This event will be Friday, December 10, begin at 12:30 and will be held in Hall of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. Advertise that the Admission is free, but seating is limited to completion the venue.

The conference is organized by the Polish Institute Culture with the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of UCM. The event will feature of d Faculty ECAN, Mr. Heriberto Cairo Carou and the participation of Prof. Elena Casado and philosopher Fernando Castro Flórez .

Zygmunt Bauman (Poznan, Poland, 1925) is a sociologist, philosopher and essayist Polish that has been awarded the Prince of Asturias Award Communication and Humanities 2010 (shared with Alain Touraine ) . Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Leeds and Warsaw , is considered one of the most important sociologists theorizing of postmodernism . He has been professor at the universities of Warsaw, Tel-Aviv and Leeds, where he was Professor of Sociology Department from 1972 to 1990. Among his extensive work , recent publications include Life liquid (Polity Press, Barcelona 2006), Identity (Losada, Madrid 2005), V wasted trips: the modernity and its outcasts (Polity Press, Barcelona 2005) and Liquid Modernity (FCE, Mexico 2003). In 1989 received European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and in 1998 the prize Theodor W. Adorno . Recently, on 19 November, received the Gold Medal "Gloria Artis", the highest award of Polish government in the area of \u200b\u200bArts and Humanities .

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lionhead Rabbit Diarrhea

Africam Safari - Recycling Christmas abolish

Now you are buying Christmas trees

Remember that when the season ends we receive in the nursery
Enca The


Camino Real a Cholula 4310

Between Causeway Blvd Atlixco and Zavaleta
1 is equal to a pass to Africam

I hope in 2011

De Corazon

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reoccurring Bumpy Circled Rash On Butt


The November 28 is the annual Day of Homeless , framed within the campaign Homeless 2010-201 5. This will be held under the theme "No No Rights. No Homeless" .

the same occasion, there will be d istintos vindicated acts of nature and society involvement respect to such social problems.

The purpose of the organizing institutions is put on the table, with transparency, from the reality we live and play, lack of rights and access to the same people who are homeless in our country health, housing, education, justice, social welfare.

Through this radio station, 106.7 FM Beacon Radio in space What do you think? , will issue a special program devoted to this topic from Shelter Juan Luis Vives in Vicálvaro , Madrid. Participate professionals and institutions involved residents the center.
also will inform you of the various scheduled events and for whom you want, such as participating in them.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is Patricia E. Bath Married?



Benefit Concert

Tuesday October 12, 2010

Auditorium Cultural jo d the Comple

University Symphony Orchestra Benemid Erita the Autonomous University of Puebla

19 Hrs.

box office ticket sales in the complex.

$ 50, $ 100 and $ 200.00

Km of ten dollars

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Instal Bath Tub On Concrete Floor

Our Secretary

participate at Night in Las Vegas

How Do Ur Cervix Feel Before Your Period



invited us to have fun helping

or retirees Spain Park

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What To Say To Someone That Just Had A Baby

taken for those who drive. Three Women

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Much Do White Owl Cigarillos Cost


here again for new and hot news. On this occasion we present and we invite you to participate in II Workshop Alternative Social.

This conference, organized by MUEBTS with AYNI have grounds presented to the university community social work different from usual, a social work less known but equally important for our learning and career .

In this second edition will continue the tonic provide all kinds of activities: lectures, performances, workshops, participatory activities, etc. But this time we will focus on the theme of culture . With this conference we intend this time raise awareness of cultural diversity, the richness of living with this day day and show a different view of what is commonly called "multiculturalism" .

the beginning of the page you have the information to be able to view the brochure activities. Finally, we ask you difundáis this information to everyone possible , because for this activity off we need the participation of as many people as possible.

I hope everyone!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Placement Brownie Patches Brownie Back Vest


From MUEBTS and, as usual, with AYNI , we encourage you to participate in one of the activities we have organized. This time the activity is a photography contest . This takes place in its first edition, and has the name "I Photography Competition Alternative Social Work" . The reason of this competition is to the different actors of the university community to take part to make a presentation at the Second Conference of Social Work Alternative (soon to receive the news).

This competition is the central theme "A world with many worlds ", ie images show through the multicultural present in everyday life or other cultures of the world . We realize that in this world there is only a single, dominant culture, but a large crowd that lives on a regular basis and has its good points (which we complement) and their negatives (which should be revoked.)

the beginning of the page you have the information In order to view the contest . also ask you to difundáis this information to everyone possible , because for this activity off of the partnership we need as many people as possible.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Changing Air Filter For Trane Xe80

Three Women, three stories, same goal:

Working for change in society.

Blanca Alcalá
, President Capital City

Amelia Puebla de la Madrid. Mexican Red Cross delegate in Puebla.

Martha Rivera, President of Working Heart.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How To Make Frozen Mixed Vegetables Better


News in this new year 2010. This time we present an event that will not be shortly, but within 3 years, but needs all our support from now. Specifically we are referring to the candidacy of the Circus School Diverse Tres Cantos in that city to organize the "European Juggling Convention " , ie, the" European Juggling.

This meeting, sponsored by European Juggling Association (EJA, European Juggling Association) is an annual and celebrated in European cities since 1978 . The participation in the European Juggling Convention (EJC) is from 2,500 to 4,500 jugglers (the world's largest event of juggling). The EJC is organized by a nonprofit group composed of volunteers from the city jugglers
Comment that with respect to selection process of the city, to some extent, is similar to an Olympics, international sports tournaments, etc. . The choice of location for the next EJC is made during the general assembly held in each FTE. Normally the decision is made with three years in advance for organizing teams prepare in time the EJC. Therefore in July 2010 in Finland (venue of the next EJC) , know the city is finally organized (This bid is competing against other cities such as Toulouse, London and Ukraine). Add that only event held in Spain on 2 occasions (last last year in Vitoria).

With all this, our support is urgently needed. And this is because the January 28 have that submit the candidacy for the validity den and begin to work more thoroughly and July ( when completed shall nominate) . Therefore I urge you to support all this nomination because, apart from organizing events with the circus, has interesting cross targets : social inclusion of functional diversity and environmental education.

PD can follow candidature on WEB School circus and show your support by signing individual HERE (include your ID in the comment section to have full legal validity ) or by contacting them through their e-mail ( if you are an entity .

PD 2. Comment that the Circus School Diverse Tres Cantos has worked with us doing a performance-lecture at the First Conference of Alternative Social Work and Solidarity Week and Science 2009.

PD 3. AYNI partnership, together, also supports this nomination.